

Business Line 29-05-2021

Business Line 29-05-2021

29 May 202111:14 AM

“Despite FPIs’ record selling in 4 years, indices gaining on local strength” For this reason, I conclude that this extreme positioning in stock futures is actually a bullish signal for the market @palakshahjourno @businessline 

Despite FPIs’ record selling in 4 years, indices gaining on local strength

Foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) have been caught on the wrong foot in the stock markets with their record nearly $3 billion selling in May even as India’s benchmark equity indices Nifty and....

"The reason is that as a group FPIs are subject to the same herding instinct that moves markets. For this reason, I conclude that this extreme positioning in stock futures is actually a bullish signal..." Rohit Srivastava

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